What are you afraid to ask for?

What are you afraid to ask for but want deep down inside?

Answering this question and then taking action has been transformative in my life.

I used to be scared of so many things but what scared me most was regret.

The fear of regret is powerful and can be used to fuel your goals if you push yourself outside your comfort zone.

That’s what I did- and it was hard but these were just some of my results-

  • Had my music on MTV

  • Traveled around the world

  • Theme songs to 2 shows and placements on several others

  • Wrote a couple Bestselling Books and a novel (coming soon hopefully 🤞)

  • Been in love a few times

  • Transformed my body and modeled for top brands

  • Created and successfully launched products-one was on “As Seen on TV” haha

  • Consulted for many S&P 500 companies and helped them in sustainability, R&D, nutrition and in giving back.

Many people I look up to have gone WAY further than I even did and have done things that defy logic! I am in awe of what passion and persistence can do and I love supporting people with dreams to improve the world in ways that are big or small.

To me, everything is better shared and to have someone help you and be there for you means the world. If you need more people like that in your corner, be there for them- give what you’re wanting to receive and you’ll get it.

And if you need a hype man / life strategist reach out now and I mean right now- I’ve got you.



Standing Out as a Life Coach: Strategies to Impress and Attract Clients


Finding the Right Life Coach