One Day? Or Day One?

The biggest obstacle I see when it comes to people wanting to achieve a dream is just starting. 

Many people are waiting to feel “ready” to start. All this “one day” talk keeps us in a state of perpetual procrastination. 

How do we fix it? committing to start and then taking action immediately. 

So what is the thing you really want to do but keep putting off? 

If it’s a book - start with a paragraph.

If it’s saving for something you really want - start with five bucks in a jar. 

If it’s wanting to date - get a dating app, it’s the norm now. 

If it’s wanting to become “great” at something realize it takes time, it takes practice, but most importantly it takes the decision to start. 

Type “DAY 1” if you are with me!!!! 

And take the first action.


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