SEO Secrets To Get Seen

People are searching for you, help them find you through the power of SEO.

Anyone who has a business on the internet can capitalize on SEO, search engine optimization. 

SEO is a way to increase website traffic to your page. The people coming are high quality because it is based on people searching for topics, answers, as well as products and services that you offer. 

In this article I am going to show you some ways to greatly improve your google site ranking in order to help potential clients and your audience find you. 

The challenge small business face is that they are competing with coaches and companies that pay the search engines to post adds ahead of others who might be a better fit for their needs. We can greatly improve our chances of being seen by adding blogs, detailed descriptions of our products and services and even video transcripts. 

First, I want to encourage everyone out there to have a blog or write articles around your coaching niche or services so that people looking for you will find you easier. This can be a simple practice of writing one or two articles a week and they don't have to be long and wordy. 

Answering questions within your articles can be helpful because people often search for solutions to their problems or answers to their questions. So for coaches this can be creating blog titles or articles that answer a question or pose one in the title. For a coach some examples could be "best ways to reach clients" "biggest challenges new coaches face" "how to use your time more wisely" "Why do I need a coach?" "How coaching changed my life"…

You can also create videos around your business and transcribe them for free through Mac dictation features or other software. Then after written out in text, simply embed the video on your site with the transcript and traffic will start to head your way. 

To move up in search rankings there are services you can purchase but be sure to shop around to ensure you get the best deal. You can also take things into your own hands by searching top questions people have about ________ (insert your business) and then start answering these questions in your content.

There is software that is beneficial like Ahrefs. That's the one I am using for article. This kind of software helps you know key words, analytics, how many people are searching key terms, how hard it is to rank using specific keywords, it even tells you who is ranking the highest with the keywords you search, there's even more but for now I’m going to show you what a search brings up. 

So let’s use an example of key words associated with- "Become a life coach" - You don't have to read them all - we do this for the SEO and I’m doing it in this article which may be the reason you’re reading this now.

Results: life coach, coaching business, life coaching business, life coaching, life coaches, life coaching industry, life coaching training, life coaching clients, coaching practice, international coach federation, life coaching certification, certified life coach, professional certified coach, life coach certification program, master certified coach, certified life coach Institute, Life coaching practice, successful coaching practice, in person, training programs, successful life coaches, personal growth, training program, business insurance, life coaching certifications, own business, coaching experience, personal development, coach training, international coaching Federation, coaching clients, coaching profession, associate certified coach, coaching skills, certified coach, LifeCoach Steph, business coaching, successful coaches, certification programs, certification program, Great life coach, coaching programs, most life coaches, coaching contact, other coaches, coaching industry, life coach requires, coaching contract, other coaches, coaching industry, life coach requires, coaching niche, training courses, in person training, other life coaches, extensive training, small business owners, niche coaching, become a life coach, business owner, most coaches, family life, mental health, entrepreneurial journey, limited liability company, feel confident, industry Association, accredited courses, new clients, start up costs, client Testimonials, Coaching, COACH, administrative tasks, average salary, business plan, bachelors degree, digital presence, potential clients, marketing plan, target group, networking opportunities, bad advice (funny this last one would pop up)

After uncovering your top key words for what  niche or search you want to come up in, try using these terms throughout your blogs, articles or in videos you create and post the transcripts of. 

For example, to increase your SEO you could write articles and posts like this- 

To be the best life coach in the coaching business you must commit yourself to producing results for your clients.  The life coaching industry is growing at a rapid rate. Life coaching certifications are at an all time high. This means there are many opportunities for professional certified coaches to help clients reach their goals…

Let me know if you found this helpful and if the Keywords brought you here from a search engine. If so, please stay a while and check out some of the other offerings on my site. I create to help serve I am glad you are here.

I am rooting for you and always here to support you. 


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