Happiness Boost

Do you ever feel like you need a happiness boost? If so, you're not alone. We all find ourselves in a funk from time to time, and need some help getting out of it. That's where these simple ways to be happier come in.

I picked out the image for this article because just looking at it and reading his shirt brought me joy. You can keep images that bring you joy in an album in your phone or links to articles like this when you could use a boost. We all get down sometimes and even just remembering that can be comforting. We are wonderfully human and making peace with whatever is coming up is how we become a better friend to ourselves.

Tonight the Grammy awards will be handed out. My first time attending the Grammys was a very sad day. The day before the ceremony the incredible Whitney Houston passed away. Collectively the world was in shock and heartbroken. I remember how somber the whole experience was on the red carpet and inside the venue. A big cloud seemed to looming over the event. It was a very strange experience for me as a songwriter and artist because under different circumstances I would have been full of excitement and joy to be there but I was sad that we had lost someone so special.

When Whitney sang, healing energy poured out of her mouth. She touched people and moved them deeply. Being at the Grammys that year was like attending a beautiful memorial. Performer after performer took the stage and mentioned how she had touched them, shared their stories, and sang tributes. The crowd in person, as well as those watching live around the world mourned. We were sad but found joy in the love. We found laughter in the telling of funny stories, we found inspiration in the beautiful tributes, we found peace in knowing what really mattered- it wasn’t the awards, it was the impact.

I have learned that when we lose someone, the amount of pain we feel is often an indication of the love we hold for them and that love isn’t gone. It lives on inside of us. When we remember the love, we find ourselves surrounded in that healing energy once more. I didn’t know Whitney Houston personally but I had felt her love of music, the passion she sang with, her love of people, her tremendous ability to convey lyrical story, desire to share her talent, and the beautiful energy of her spirit. We can connect with that love and feel good in that connection. As I write this I am doing that right now and anytime you miss someone you can do it too.

Of course, if you just lost a loved one or something terrible happens it’s not as simple as boost your happiness. Those are times for grieving and it looks different from person to person. If you are in that state, your intuition and feelings will serve you along with support of loved ones and your higher power.

For those who feel they are in a momentary fog of sadness or unhappiness this may help. Sometimes it can feel difficult to even know where to turn or what to do when we experience these mood dips. I say, go within. Learn from the feeling and ask What’s coming up for me right now? and What is this here to teach me? Once you have your answers you can better move through the emotions or if it’s, “just one of those days” be gentle with yourself.

Remember, sometimes the simplest solutions can really help.

So whenever you’re feeling down- I’ve got you!


- Connect with your inner child and do something you loved as a kid.

- Connect with an uplifter aka a special friend or loved one and share whats going on.

- Watch a funny video online or 2 or 3 or 10. Notice how you feel as you do.

- Take a walk in nature, soak in the sounds, smells and life all around you.

- Eat something delicious, bonus points if it’s healthy and tasty.

- Listen to your favorite songs. You can even create a feel good playlist, maybe dance?

- Write down your thoughts and feelings, let it all out! this can be very freeing.

- Try out some yoga or some stretches and connect with your strength and power.

- Get some fresh air and you can amplify the experience with breath work.

- Clean your space while listening to a good podcast, you’ll feel so accomplished after.

- Give someone a hug, it can even be a pet and notice how your heart opens as you connect.

- Meditate to boost your mood. try a couple different methods to keep it interesting.

- Visualize what you want, take in the good feelings of that dream.

- Make a list of things you're grateful for and focus on why.

- Write some positive messages to or about yourself, These can become your mantras.

- Smile, you can look up the neuroscience on this one. as simple as it is, it works.

There have been times where a list like this would help and other times when it would annoy me. The intention behind this list is to share some ways that have helped in the past. If you are annoyed by it, I’ve been there too and I would just ask that you give yourself what you need and only you know what that is.

I also want you to share that it’s always ok to ask for help. If you need some extra help, reach out to someone you trust or seek the guidance of a professional.

I hope these ideas help you feel better and please add your own personal happiness hacks in the comments.

“I wish you joy and happiness but above of all this I wish you love!”


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